
Heather Battaly Virtue Ethics

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People shame others to lose weight in a subtle way. It is not moral for people to be shaming anyone else for how they look. This concern can arise from setting body standards. On one hand, it is good for a person to want to be fit and do so in a healthy way, but to want to lose weight to feel “skinny” or to be accepted is wrong and many people do not see that. Once a person decides they want to feel accepted into social standards, the problems arise. They begin to plunge into diets without knowing what they are getting into. From there they can end up getting medical conditions that worsen their health. This ends up creating a negative snowball effect psychologically and physiologically.
The alternative ethical views that could be applied to this research is by viewing it through virtue ethics. Virtue ethics “define right and wrong acts in terms of the moral virtues and vices” (Battaly, 2010, p. 2). In other words, virtue ethics goes by what is morally right and wrong in one’s own intentions. In this article written by Heather Battaly, she explains what a virtue and a vice are. Battaly mentions that there are two ways to identify what a virtue is. The first way being that a virtue is a “quality that enables a thing to attain good ends or perform its function well” (2010, p. 3). This definition applies to …show more content…

In American society, people have a mindset of getting things done now and doing things quickly and efficiently because time is money. Individuals have been accustomed to the “fast life” in that sense. Wanting a healthy body quickly and with great results is not unheard of, but what people need to understand is that it cannot happen. Being healthy takes time and plunging into fad diets will not improve people’s health. Individuals must be patient and committed to obtain a healthy lifestyle and it is their responsibility to realize and practice

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