
Heathcliff's Addiction

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Love addicts live in a chaotic world of desperate needs and emotional despairs. In most common situations, addicts tend to rely on the source of the addiction, whether it is a person or a drug (Peele). In the following novel, Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte reveals Heathcliff and Catherine love addiction. In Healthcliff and Catherine’s case, they relied on each other, which made them a part of each other’s identity. At the beginning of the novel, Heathcliff was a victim of orphanage at a young age. He had never experienced unconditional love from anyone. After Mr. Earshawn’s death, Catherine became his addiction because she accepted him for who he was in his eyes. At first, Catherine despised Heathcliff. In time, he latches on to her becoming totally engulfed with her. This devotion turns into an overwhelming love addiction towards her (“Wuthering Heights Love and Betrayal). Catherine’s presence helps calms the family’s antagonism for him. Heathcliff tolerated a lot from the family because of the love he shared with Catherine (Peele). In Wuthering Heights, Catherine and Heathcliff relationship clarified this framework of dependency. It is only after she spends several weeks at Thrushcross Grange, under the care of Mrs. Linton, that she then believes she is too good for Heathcliff. Mrs. …show more content…

Catherine then states that it would be degrading for her to marry Heathcliff to Nelly Dean (King). After being confronted with Catherine’s rejection of him, Heathcliff’s devotion turned into obsession, where every action he took was tied to Catherine. He continually changed his ways to fit Catherine’s societal expectations. When Heathcliff disappeared from Wuthering Heights, he attempted to neaten his appearance; he even tried to become wealthy and gentlemanly enough to befit Catherine’s status

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