
Heartbreak Research Paper

Decent Essays

Heartbreak is everywhere, from the television shows we watch, to the conversations we overhear while walking down the skidded hallways of our dear Eaton High School. In my sixteen years of life I have not had anything atrocious occur to me, but I did have my little sophomore heart broken by a boy who will not matter in ten years. It ruined my summer, and it also made a large portion of my school year miserable. I am fully aware that everyone goes through this, and that some people consider it a lousy reason to be blue, but it was the first time I knew what a broken heart felt like. This boy hurt me the most by his lies, his indecisiveness, and his newfound desire to come crawling back now. Breaking up with someone is awful enough without …show more content…

I cried rivers for at least a year. Rejection bleeds into insecurity and the fear of inadequacy. What if no one ever likes me again? This question plagued my mind every day and night for several months after having my naive heart stomped on by a high school boy. At this point in my life I realize that it’s permitted to lament the loss of someone who once knew my thoughts at the hours of the day no sane person is awake. I disclosed some of my deepest secrets to him, I let him know me like I let no one else, and I lost him. It is valid for me to cry no matter what anyone else …show more content…

I was constantly reminded of our inside jokes that I no longer had anyone to tell about. I wanted to know what these girls had that I did not. His other relationships never lasted long, and in my hopeful heart I always hoped it was because of me. Having personal knowledge of someone no longer in my life was a sweet memory, but also something incredibly agonizing. I remember seeing a lanyard online of his favorite band a couple days before his birthday, and longed to buy it for him. I wanted to wrap it up in a little box and see his smile when he opened it, but I could no longer do

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