
Heartbreak Research Paper

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Heartbreak can physically and emotionally hurt someone. “I believe 100 percent that a broken heart and emotional pain can negatively affect physical health,” says Courtney Nesbitt, L.C.S.W. Research has shown that when someone has been through a breakup they have similar brain activity as when they are shown a picture of a loved one. Researchers concluded that rejection, emotional and physical pain are all processed in the same places of the brain. “When both the parasympathetic system (part of the nervous system) and the sympathetic nervous system are both turned on, you can experience chest pains and discomfort,” says Meghan Laslocky.

There can be some positive effects of heartbreak like strength stems from resilience, which is where they can feel comfort in knowing that you were able to overcome the hurdle (heartbreak) and that you are absolutely capable of bouncing back from the sadness you feel at that time period. You learn some lessons, like not to believe certain things people say to you, to have respect for yourself and do not let anyone step all …show more content…

You can try protecting against one from a relationship ending. You need to make sure both people have the same intentions in the relationship. You can't be in a relationship where you're the only one putting the effort in. If you are you need to talk to them about. You will get attached and they won't because they aren't looking for a long-term relationship like you. You need to trust your instincts if you don't feel comfortable with someone you need to tell them. If you aren't comfortable it won't last. You're going to be investing yourself in a relationship that isn't going to last and you know it won't. You need to realize everyone has flaws. You can't just see him/her as a perfect person.The faster you notice his flaws, the faster you can decide whether he’s someone worth spending your time with. The best the thing to do is to just be

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