
Heart Failure is a Major Health Concern

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Heart Failure: Heart failure is a serious medical condition that is brought by the failure of the heart to pump sufficient blood throughout the body at the right pressure. Generally, this condition is a progressive and chronic disease in which the heart muscle is incapable to pump adequate blood for all blood and oxygen needs of the body. Since the heart cannot keep up with its workload under this condition, it attempts to make up for the failure through enlarging, developing more muscle mass, and pumping faster. Enlarging involves stretching the heart chamber more in order to pump more blood while developing more muscle mass occurs because of increase in size of the contracting cells and pumping faster helps to enhance the heart’s output (“About Heart Failure”, n.d.). As a major health problem, potential solutions for heart failure is a nursing focused plan that incorporates identifying nursing goals, monitoring the patient, and specific nursing interventions.
Change Model Overview: One of the major approaches that can be used to address the problem of heart failure is the change model introduced by Larrabee and Rosswurm. This model guides nurse practitioners through a systematic procedure for the change to evidence-based practice. This is realized through the model’s recognition that converting research into practice needs a solid foundation in change theory, principles of use of research, and utilizing standardized arrangement.
Assessment of the Need for Change:

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