
Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act Essay

Decent Essays

The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFK)

This a federal statute signed into law by President Barak Obama on December 13, 2010. The law funds child nutrition programs and free lunch programs in schools. It also increases access to healthy food for students and promotes overall student wellness. HHFKA also sets new nutrition standards of school breakfast and lunch, a focus of First lady Michelle Obama. (The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, 2010). The major goals of the law are to end childhood hunger, improve childhood nutrition, and combat America’s epidemic of obesity within school age children. HHFKA of 2010 will help end childhood hunger by expanding after school meals for at-risk children.
Background to HHFKA The law will improve childhood nutrition and reduce obesity by: establishing national nutrition standards for all foods sold in school during the school day, including a la carte lines and vending machines and strengthening local school wellness policies and school food safety programs. (United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Service, School …show more content…

One very important example of trust between and adult and child is the providing of food that keeps the child healthy. This is somewhat similar to Maslow’s theory because if this basic need of trust is not fulfilled the child will not be able to develop to her potential as she gets older Erickson’s first developmental goal is trust versus mistrust and this theorist believes that if basic things like food are provided, the child will more than likely trust those around and feel safe in the world. (Crying Babies: Trust vs Mistrust and Erickson, April

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