
Healthcare Trends Paper

Decent Essays

The healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing industries. Changes are always happening in the healthcare field and new trends are created. As a worker in the healthcare industry, there are many changing aspects of the industry. At my company, I’ve noticed some of the trends that are shaping the direction of the company in a very dynamic and valuable way. Working remotely, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and Big Data and Cloud Computing are some of the trends that my company is moving towards. While these trends are making an impact on the company, there are still challenges with the Affordable Care Act. It has been reshaping the healthcare system both positively and negatively since it was introduce.
The Affordable Care Act became law …show more content…

The company is a medical reimbursement company that deals with patients’ personal information from social security, to medical history and banking information. As technology in the healthcare field continues to expand, we have begun to use more big data to store all our patient personal health records and our employees’ personal records. Maintenance and processing of various and high volume data have created the “Big Data” challenge. As Gartner (2015) said: “Big Data is high-volume, -velocity and -variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making” [6]. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountable Act (HIPAA) laws, the healthcare industry is privy and held to a very high standard to protect and keep all patients’ personal information private, safe and secured; Digitalization and accumulation large healthcare data provides great potential for healthcare data. The key to the best patient-centric, evidence-base and accountability care is delivered through big data in healthcare (Yang, Li, Wang, Chen, Wu, Wang, Pan and Mulder 2015). There are still many healthcare challenges that need to be addressed to help enhance healthcare services. With cloud computing in healthcare, the company is one step closer to lowering their operational cost and eliminating the use of hardware and software to store data. With all the company’s data stored on networks, servers and applications it makes it easier for the data to be accessible any part of the world. Some of the advantages of cloud computing includes availability, performance and load balancing (Malekabadi, Javan & Akbari 2015). When all of the company’s data is stored on the networks and computed, it is taken by Iron Mountain and stored in a remote location. With the continued growth of innovative technology cloud computing will continue to

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