
Healthcare Disparities Among Veterans For Private Healthcare And The Community Essay

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a whole. We will then determine surveyors’ perception of veterans’ access to care, knowledge of benefits available to them, equity of care received, and differences in care among veterans in separate socioeconomic and living areas. Also, a Likert-scale will be used to determine the extent of each individual’s belief about how Veteran’s health care is working. Lastly, there is a section for free response that encourages participants to explain their opinions and anything they may have experienced to influence said opinions. Research Questions and Hypothesis The main research questions in this study are: 1) is veteran healthcare equal to private healthcare; 2) do veterans have to wait longer for treatment options; and 3) do veterans have limited treatment options? It is hypothesized that veterans receive inferior healthcare services compared to private healthcare and the community is unaware of the disparities. Significance of Study This study strives to increase the awareness of healthcare disparities among veterans in hopes that veterans can receive the best healthcare possible. This study has the potential to change the structure of veterans’ health care. If their health care is damaged to the extent that some insiders and outsiders believe it to be, then hopefully the veterans’ health care system can be restructured. These disparities can be addressed in community outreach programs to expand common knowledge on the subject. Review of Literature Tsai, J., Desai, M.,

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