
Health Insurance Marketplace: A Case Study

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In 2015, the Center of Disease Control stated that habitual smoking is the cause behind lung cancer mortality in 9 out of 10 Americans.1 Smoking is a clear detrimental behavior that is perceived to be easily avoidable. As America experiences the increasing health care costs, those participating in unhealthy behaviors are blamed for their poor decisions. The current Health Insurance Marketplace is structured in two ways; community-rating and limited experience-rated systems. In a community-rating system, people within the system share the same risk of disease, therefore sharing the same premiums. Premiums for limited experience-rating are based on the individual's behaviors such as smoking. Prior to the affordable Care Act (ACA), sicker individuals purchased insurance through experience-rating and caused the insurance …show more content…

Insurance companies using experience-rating are allowed to charge tobacco users more than 1.5 times the premium rate of a non-tobacco user.3 Smokers under employment-based health insurance could face up to a 50% increase in their premiums if there is no effort to cease smoking behaviors.4 The ACA has three main goals for restricting surcharges to smokers; limit the effects of high cost tobacco users, encourage smoking cessation and discourage others from developing smoking habits.5 Using surcharges to control tobacco use establishes the precedence that smokers are held responsible for preventing behaviors that lead to negative health outcomes. Smokers should hold a degree of responsibility for their tobacco use but they should not bear the complete burden if they actively participate in programs that promote the cessation or reduction of smoking habits. By doing so they are demonstrating their willingness to change their unhealthy behaviors as well as their commitment to the collective common good of health care and societal

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