
Health Disparity Among Deaf Community Essay

Decent Essays

I am writing to bring attention to a possible area of improvement that will allow us to reduce a health disparity discovered in our clinic. We recently had several Deaf members requesting our Adult Intensive Outpatient Program for severe depression and anxiety. We have been unable to locate an onsite ASL translator resulting in these members having to wait an extended amount of time for services. Although we have adequately provided translation services for those with limited English proficiency, we have not addressed mental health care disparities for our Deaf community members. Improving access to and quality of our mental health care for vulnerable populations is a challenge, but solving these types of challenges are at the core of our institutional values.
The National Center for Health Statistics reports that approximately 20 percent (48 million) of American adults report some degree of hearing loss (Pick, 2013). At our clinic we have seen firsthand how this results in health disparity. Our members of the Deaf community may be visiting their doctors and mental health professionals less often, in part, due to limited access to direct communication. In addition, Deaf members often …show more content…

Much of the literature supports the belief that persons who are culturally Deaf routinely face many serious obstacles to obtaining mental health services (Mathos, et al., 2009). These barriers to appropriate mental health care can compound the isolating effect of having an auditory disability, being in a linguistic minority, and of having few persons with whom one can communicate. These problems combined with limited access to mental health services can lead to suboptimal functioning, increased substance abuse, and mortality from suicide and from non-suicide related causes (Mathos, et al.,

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