
Health Care Merger Scenarios

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Scenario 1
Our group defined the success of the merger based on several outcomes. First of all, financial stability within the first two years of the merger; the formation of value-based payment models or other innovative payment structures which appeal to both payers and employers; low employee turnover, at or below the national benchmark; high employee engagement levels based on national benchmarks for the healthcare industry and finally the maintenance of accreditation. Once we defined success, we built out the following steps to work towards these outcomes. First, we would perform a thorough stakeholder analysis and define the roles and responsibilities of each. Secondly, we would engage these stakeholders (e.g. patients, board members, employee, physician, local community leaders) in constructing the vision and strategic goals of the merged entity. Thirdly, the deployment of specific human capital management strategies would be a …show more content…

First of all, both scenarios represent emotionally charged situations that impact many stakeholders both internally (employees, patients, providers and board members) and externally (payers, community, government entities, community leaders). There is no doubt that the knowledge I have gained over the course of this program allowed me to have a broader understanding of the implications for each of these stakeholders. Furthermore, not only having knowledge of the perspectives of these various stakeholders but also the tools to critically assess the situation and formulate a plan is also a byproduct of my studies. Additionally, this work highlights the complex and fragmented nature of the US health system and the challenges in working on a solution to almost any problem tackled by healthcare leaders today. Thankfully, the program has given me the confidence to undertake these

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