
Health Care

Decent Essays

Title: Why the Current Health Care System Is In Turmoil

The US health system is in turmoil mostly because of two major issues first being that the cost of treatment is very high and the second factor that is affecting the health system being that most US citizens lack medical coverage and thus are unable to get access to good health care services. These two factors have put the current health care system in a crisis because it has made health services expensive and thus unaffordable to the citizens. The high cost of health services is caused by most hospitals charging high fees to their patients mostly because there is low number of qualified doctors. This is because most medical schools require one …show more content…

This in turn develops higher life expectancies in a nation and thus leads to a healthy and working nation (Schultz, Chao & McGinnis, 2009). The national health insurance also has some risks such as less funding and also loss of money. The national health insurance plan faces less funding and thus lacks to meet it needs. The government should come up with other ways to increase funding for the national health insurance through taxation, products that affect the health of individuals such as tobacco and alcohol, and also from sponsors in the medical field such as drug manufactures. The other risk is the loss of money in hospitals due to the provision of unnecessary services and prolonged visits to the hospital. This can only be controlled by implementing a treatment surveillance program to supervise the processes of treatment to patients so that unnecessary procedures will not be paid for and in so doing a lot of money will not be lost (Schultz, Chao & McGinnis, 2009).

REFERENCES Schultz, A., Chao, S., & McGinnis, J. (2009). Integrative medicine and the health of the public. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Hacker, J. (2008). Health at risk. New York: Columbia University Press. Barsukiewicz, C., Raffel, M., Raffel, N., & Raffel, M. (2010). The U.S. health system. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage

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