
Haymitch Abernathy Analysis

Decent Essays

Haymitch Abernathy, the second ever person to win the hungers games from district twelve has been nominated the job of mentoring Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark district twelve tributes. After Haymitch won the hunger games he was left with memories of other tributes being killed and as of this he couldn’t sleep. Being intoxicated was the only way he could keep his mind off things. When Haymitch was elected the job of mentoring Katniss and Peeta there was a problem he was going to have to stop drinking and soba up to be able to properly mentor them. To make everything final all nominees from all districts gather to hopefully not hear there name. When Effie Trinket calls for district twelves mentor Haymitch stands and stumbles up onto the stage, everyone could tell he was …show more content…

Someone screams from the crowd “i nominate myself” it was Primrose’s sister Katniss. Primrose sits down and Katniss walks to the stage standing next to Peeta and Haymitch. Volunteers are aloud but it normally doesn’t happen, everyone was shocked. The crowd of district twelve does not Clap they are just silent. They then give Katniss the three fingered salute of the district, its rarely used, thank you, admiration and good bye to a loved one. Haymitch was running up and down the stage yelling and screaming about what just happened when all of a sudden he falls off the stage, of course it was all on film. Haymitch wasn’t happy. Katniss wasn’t happy that the male tribute was Peeta because when Katniss’s farther died her mother was suffering from depression she didn’t have enough money to feed her family. Peeta gave Katniss a loaf of bread and Katniss remembered that when she was on stage and now she doesn’t want to have to kill him during the games. Haymitch doesn’t know this and is confused why she is sad. Haymitch finally sober up and he remembered what had happened at todays event. He was embarrassed and ashamed of what

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