
Harry Potter Research Paper

Decent Essays

In my earliest memories, I recall my parents reading me different stories such as Goodnight Moon and The Moral Compass. They encouraged me to read even before I began school. When I finally started school, I was an advanced reader, and I have been one ever since. Even though I was an advanced reader, my teachers would force me to read short, boring books that did not give me what I craved: adventure. The mundane books I was assigned to read caused me to resent reading for a while, but in third grade, I came across a series that quenched my thirst for adventure and challenged me as a reader. J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series taught me to love reading and learning.
The wizarding world of Harry Potter stimulated my imagination and inspired me to read more. I was discovered that I could relate to the character Hermione. I also enjoyed reading about …show more content…

The series tells of London and other parts of Europe, so I started investigating these locations. Harry Potter compelled me to read more books about various things, including historical events. I began researching these events and places, and they awed me. I would read up on Greek mythology or the British royal family. I would search to find pictures of the Colosseum in Rome or the Great Pyramids of Egypt. I became fascinated by the technology used to build these great wonders, and I would try to find the different theories as to how they were built. This curiosity provoked my interest in learning about science and math because I wanted to know how it was possible to build such structures, but history was, and still is, my one true passion. I am still in love with the history of the world, and I continue to explore different stories of the past. It was through my reading of Harry Potter that I acquired this passion for learning, and J.K. Rowling’s stories provided me with a strong foundation for my academic

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