
Harry Potter Banned

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"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends" (J.K. Rowling). J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter book series has become one of the popular children’s books of the past decade. The Harry Potter books have become widely known all over the world for its success on its fictitious magic storytelling. The Harry Potter story saga has been able to capture the reader’s mind and heart within reading the first few pages. It is a place where the reader can escape into their imagination by reading just a few chapters of the book. Furthermore, it is said by many skeptics that thousands of individuals would want a specific book to be banned simply because it may get in the way of one’s spiritual belief, …show more content…

In the Harry Potter series, witchcraft is portrayed as the practice of using magic. Which then creates a strong debate between parents and religious leaders. Still, the religious community believes that the books have a dark nature within, which conditions a child to forget their morals that they were raised on. Furthermore, millions around the world oppose what is said in the books of Harry Potter because they teach witchery, affirming that they go in contradiction of the word of god. For example, in the Christian Bible, it says that witchcraft, fortune telling, and the use of magic shall be condemned. “God takes witchcraft very seriously. The penalty for practicing witchcraft under the Mosaic Law was death” (Exodus 22:18). Spiritual leaders believe the Harry Potter novels shed light on children with a type of witchery religion known as Wicca. Wicca is a modern form of religion that teaches about black magic. Thus, causing children to be curious about the path of the occult of witches and wizards. Another example is; “Witchcraft Repackaged which stated that "Harry's world says that drinking dead animal blood gives power, a satanic human sacrifice and Harry's powerful blood brings new life, demon possession is not spiritually dangerous, and that passing through fire, contacting the dead, and conversing with ghosts, others in the spirit world, and more, is normal and acceptable” …show more content…

Harry, being a wizard was sent to a school named Hogwarts with other kids alike. Once you read this novel it will hold your interest and have you wondering what will happen next. A strong connection will inevitably be created as the book is read. Not only because one can run wild and free with their imagination, but because it is hard to put down and not continue reading it. Sometimes it is ridiculous to be aware that numerous consider the Harry Potter series to be wicked to read. Nevertheless, Harry Potter books are based on a fantasy world, which most of the issues they talk about do not happen in real life. Although the author J.K. Rowling did provide suspense with dark parts in them, it is all fact of fiction. Besides, Harry Potter books deliver a better sense of what is good and evil for the reader to comprehend. Again, religious leaders mention that the Harry Potter series indoctrinates children’s head toward Wicca, it is believed that every parent has a right to choose to educate their child with those type of topics willingly to explain the good and bad of

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