
Harriet Tubman's Greatest Achievement: The Combahee River Raid

Decent Essays

Harriet Tubman’s Greatest Achievement: The Combahee River Raid. “I am going to prepare a place for you. These were the last words of Harriet Tubman before she passed away on March 10, 1913. She spent her entire life caring for and helping others. Harriet Tubman lived a long and dangerous life. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in March of 1822. Her original name was Aramintha Ross, but she changed it when she was married in 1844. Harriett Tubman was an escaped slave who was a part of the UGRR, a nurse and spy for the Union during the war, and a caretaker for the unfortunate. She had many incredible accomplishments, but because of the amount of people saved, the soldiers she recruited for the army, and how motivational she was, Tubman’s …show more content…

She was previously an undercover spy for the Union and she used the intel she had learned while undercover to successfully participate in the Combahee Ferry Raid. The raid resulted in the freedom of 800 previously enslaved people. This was a much needed win for the Union. Harriet Tubman’s actions directly helped the war effort. Without Harriet Tubman, the raid might never have happened. Harriet Tubman’s work during/involving the Combahee Ferry Raid resulted in new soldiers for the Union’s army. It states in Document C that she took 100 men and immediately enrolled them in the army. The army needed more soldiers so they could continue fighting in the war. A colonel told Tubman that she should be paid like a recruiting officer. Despite Tubman’s contribution to the army forces, she was never paid for her actions. She was also never paid for her work during the raid, her work as a spy, or her work as a nurse and caretaker later in life. Harriet Tubman was extremely motivational during the Combahee River Raid. The escaped slaves ran toward the river bank and were panicking trying to get into the rowboats to get to the main boat. They were afraid that if they did not hurry they would not be saved, or that the soldiers

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