
Harriet Tubman Dbq Essay

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While providing care, working as a spy, and nursing were just a few of the many amazing accomplishments Harriet Tubman made in her lifetime. Her biggest accomplishment was working for the Underground Railroad. The effort that Tubman put in for the Underground Railroad stands as her greatest accomplishment. To help the slaves escape, Tubman first traveled 400–500 miles on foot. Tubman journeyed from Bucktown to Philadelphia in its entirety. But she didn't stop there, she then made her way from Philadelphia to St. Catherines, Canada. Document A. The. This raises the second reason why working for the Underground Railroad was Tubman's greatest accomplishment. Tubman had a difficult job. The Fugitive Slave Act, which was in place at the time she was working, required …show more content…

For example, the majority of individuals escaped with drugged babies to stop them from crying. (Document B) When Tubman was working on the Underground Railroad, she rescued 38 slaves in total. (Document B) Although some would argue Tubman's greatest achievement was working as a spy or as a nurse/caretaker. Tubman saved over 800 people in just one day working as a spy she stated how she could see all the slaves running through the rice fields in excitement to finally be free bringing so much joy to them(Document C). Although this was an amazing achievement for Tubman, it doesn't compare to the consistency and effort she put in when working the underground railroad. Tubman during her time as a nurse had to heal the wounds of so many others while dealing with the stress of people screaming in pain and most likely hearing gunshots putting a lot of stress on her(Document D). This was very impactful because how she never had to do these things she chose to help but traveling hundreds of miles on the underground railroad every year trumps the effort in this as this still was a very great

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