
Hardest Day Of My Life

Decent Essays

22nd September 2015, the hardest day of my life as I received the news that I could not pass my step 2 CK examination! The only failure of my life and at this stage! It was even harder, as I was in the United States and had no one to support. Therefore, I planned to give up, leave a wonderful clinical opportunity, prepone my flight and go back! Which I did, except for going back! While riding in the subway for airport, I witnessed an incident of seizures in 7 to 8 years old boy, which refreshed my objectives.

My path-to-medicine started as a result of suffering of one of my close friend, when there was no one there to understand reason of his silence. Nonetheless, topic of sexual harassment and victimization is a taboo in the underserved areas of developing countries. The only person who could understand his silence was the primary care physician, practicing in the neighborhood. That particular incident diverted my attention towards Medicine. Medicine in my life has never been for me – medicine in my life is a commitment that I made to myself 21 years ago for alleviating the suffering of others – thus anything that exclusively does not belong to, I cannot give up!

However, I knew that being among those 20% of applicants who could not pass Step 2 CK on the first attempt has increased my journey of road-to-medicine. Yet, the Winston Churchill said “success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is courage to continue that counts”. Hence, that incident of subway took me to

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