Happiness Is happiness something over which people have no control, or can people choose to be happy?
I can’t think of anything, I can’t think of anything, I can’t think of anything, I can’t think of anything, I can’t think of any thing. According to “ Happiness Is The Key” (October,2015), 60% of women in The United States of America said that happiness is something that people can not control and 40% of men, also in The United States of America, said that people are the ones who choose to be happy. But what is happiness? Happiness is a balanced state of mind where a person is satisfied, joyful, grateful, and has a great spirit. This paper argues
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As once a wise man said: “ Although we might like to imagine otherwise, we are, as happy as we choose to be.” Being happy depends on the amount of happiness a person wants. If a person set up his mind about something and started to think positively, then this person will feel be satisfied with the results no matter what because this person choose to be happy.
Proponents also claim that happiness is set to a certain rules. Many people may think that there is a magic button that could make them happy. Well that is not the case. There are certain rules that a person should follow in order to be happy. First, a person should be optimistic and never look for what others have. Second, a person should not care about his desire because desires cannot always be fulfilled. Finally, a person should be satisfied with what he have in order to reach a happy state of mind.
In fact, a person has the choice to respond to every situation and every obstacle that comes on the way towards happiness. And, in that moment, a person have the choice whether to be on track, or maybe, go out of track towards depression.
As can be seen, happiness is not based on one choice, it is based on thousands of choices. A million of choices. A billion of choices. If there was no happiness, then there would not be
Happiness is not something that only lucky people come across, but rather, happiness is uncovered through a positive mindset and an optimistic outlook on life. People who take the time to appreciate the little things in life and view
The everlasting question of "What is Happiness?" has been inquired since the creation of men. Unfortunately, the only agreed answer that humanity came up with is that all the creatures seek happiness, but no one has the concrete directions for achieving it. Our libraries are overwhelmed with books about happiness, but no dictionary definition explains which path men must take to be happy. No mathematician gave us the axiom which we could use to solve the problem of living in bliss. No scientist brought up the formula of fusing certain ingredients to produce the "drink of happiness". Still almost all the people consider that their ultimate purport in
Happiness can be two things; fulfilling or misleading. One of the best things in the world
In her article “How Happy Are You and Why?,” Sonja Lyubomirsky argues that people have control over their own happiness. Lyubomirsky supports her claims with her interviews with happy people and scientific studies. Her purpose is to consider steps that people can take in order to become happier. She establishes an informal relationship with her audience of unhappy people.
Happiness is one of the most significant dimensions of human experience. Many people can argue that happiness is a meaningful and desirable entity. Studies indicate that everyone pursues happiness in various aspects of their life. Our four fathers saw happiness as a need, so they made the pursuit of happiness as one of the three unalienable rights branded in the Declaration of Independence. There is a sense of complexity behind the meaning of happiness; its definition is not definite. Think of happiness as a rope; there are many thin fiber strands bonded together to become the strength of the rope. Like the analogy of the rope, there are numerous factors that can contribute to an individual’s overall happiness in life. This study is going to
“Choose to be happy.” This is what mom has always said, since a very young age and still to this day she tells everyone. For so long, it was just “mom talk”, those things your mother says that is supposed to make you stop and think. Yet, being too young, dumb and full of it, to really understand what she means. Curiosity emerges and suddenly there is a need to understand what it really means to be happy, what constitutes Happiness? So follow up with some research, entering the bookstore, gliding in and out of the rows and rows in the self-help sections are others, asking the same question. What is happiness? Where does it come from, are we born with it or do we make it happen? Happiness is but a belief, an idea, a theory; but theories,
Happiness is what all human beings/rational beings desire. It is always the end (goal) of our activities, it is an unconditional good.
"Happiness is stated to come at the whim of fortune. No happiness can be kept
Our internal world governs our happiness, not conditions put upon us from our external environment or conditions we place on ourselves. To put it another way, our search for happiness is the very reason we’re unhappy (McLeod, 2007). Psychology considers happiness an emotion or mental state and a predictor of how well one’s life is going. Some say that happiness is a choice, and therefore a behavior that one chooses. Happiness is a way of interpreting the world, since while it may be difficult to change the world, it is always possible to change the way we look at it (McLeod, 2007).
Happiness is a key to everybodys life. Even the most depressed man on earth has a little happiness deep down inside. Its what keeps us striving to fulfil our needs and wants on an everyday basis. There is not one kid who does not get excited over a dollar to spend at the candy shop. What about the feeling of getting a promotion at your job, or even finding the cure for cancer. Being happy is not just healthy, but it is also rewarding for each and every individual. We strive to find anything that will turn a bad day to a good one. Individuals will compromise to attain their happiness. You can not get what you want without giving something first.
Suffice to say happiness is a reaction, so basically one becomes happy after they have done or received something. There is the odd occasion of a person who is happy for no reason. Like morality though, the person’s personality, upbringing, and thinking all have an effect on what will make them happy. A simple example of this: Bob and Mary and brought up in two different homes, environments, with different family values. Now as teenagers Mary finds it a drag to look for and have a job, where as Bob gets satisfaction out of working because it is apart of his upbringing.
Happiness is a result that we deserved, furthermore, it becomes a motivation for us to keep trying and getting success in life.
In life, we all (mostly) strive for well-being and happiness. To be happy usually means to be content with oneself. So, what exactly determines happiness? Does one specifically choose to be happy? Or do other factors come into play, whether they may be external or internal? No doubt, no chart exists that determines ones happiness. Despite this, there are indeed other factors that come about. Those factors may include but are not limited to: self-choices and luck, life expectations, and money. For the most part, however, it is expected that happy people do in fact choose to be happy even in life’s dullest moments.
In conclusion, life can be complicated, and happiness is no exception. However happiness is what drives us to have so many goals and its happiness that we all want in the end. We may all have different methods to achieve happiness but with a word with such a complex and difficult meaning, we must all look at it as simple and deviatory as possible. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the most essential factor which
Happiness may have diverse meanings to diverse individuals. But regardless of how we define happiness, our distinct passions and life experiences contribute in making each one of us cheerful. Undoubtedly, the secrets on how to live a happy and healthy life depends on how we sort out all the factors that play an imperative role in accomplishing the level of happiness we desire for ourselves.