
Hansel And Gretel Analysis

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Hansel and Gretel is a war novel wrote by Louise Murphy. During the remarkable story of The True Story of Hansel and Gretel, 2 , Jewish kids (whose names were unknown) were left by their parents and given the names Hansel and Gretel. These two kids were left in the woods and forced to try and survive. Hansel and Gretel found a house in the middle of the woods and decided to make a home out of it. Magada welcomed Hansel and Gretel with open arms and took them in as her own. Hansel and Gretel lived with Magada for the remainder of the war struggling to survive but never giving up hope. Louise Murphy wrote The True Story of Hansel and Gretel extraordinarily well using imagery and foreshadowing. However, Murphy made Hansel and Gretel moderately confusing using a tremendous amount of characters. Throughout Hansel and Gretel, Murphy used imagery to shape the story. Including the vivid picture of settings and characters accompanied the better understanding of Hansel and Gretel. “The next child was the son of Jasia, and Jasia would be a problem. Her fourteen year-old son looked exactly like his father, and his father had been kidnapped and taken to Russia” (Murphy, 155). This quote is shows the imagery of the son. The son was exactly like the father who had been taken to Russia. Although this quote does not outline the child, we can see the connection and picture the family that the son belongs too. Including the dramatic picture of events and themes succeeded the perception of The True Story of Hansel and Gretel. “The airplanes were flying overhead now too. They passed in waves, too high for Germans to bring down their guns. The planes were Russian this time, and they moved west toward Germany. The Russian grinned whenever he heard their drone above the trees” (Murphy, 203). This quote is describing the panic of planes overhead. It describes the airplanes flying above and how the Russians normally felt about it. This quote uses imagery to help bring the setting and story to life. Using the realistic telling of characters, settings, and major plot themes, Louise and Murphy shaped Hansel and Gretel. Secondly, Louise Murphy framed the story of Hansel and Gretel very well by foreshadowing future events. Including

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