
Hand Of God Neutralisation

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The Hand of God was a documentary about Paul Cultura who had been abused by Father Birmingham in St. James Parish in the Catholic Church. Paul Cultura was part of an Italian family who grew up in the Catholic church. When Paul Cultura was going through the adolescent phase of his life, he went to the priest for guidance and was taken advantage of. After Paul became an adult he found there were over 100 other victims, yet the Catholic Church tried to cover up to protect the priest. The best theory that related to this story and events was the Techniques of Neutralization. In this final paper, I wanted to expand on a subject I really found interesting during week five of the course. The techniques of neutralization were originally written …show more content…

After viewing the series and writing my short paper, I wanted to learn more about the innocence taken away from young boys by men trusted in the church. I can only recall hearing of priest scandal in recent years, however the sexual abuse of young boys goes back almost 50 years. After going to the actual journal and reading through the writing of Sykes and Matza, I have learned that the techniques of neutralization were written initially to study the deviance of juveniles. Techniques of Neutralization is relevant to many who has a pattern of repeated deviant behavior. Techniques of neutralization allows individuals to “drift back and forth, engage in deviance, and yet maintain a consistent positive image.” “Committing crime, motives, drives, rationalizations, and attitudes favorable to violation of the law” were studied. Priest were supposed to be leaders of the community. Children who were attending the catholic school were victimized children sexually. According to the University of Northern Iowa, “there have been cases involving well over 3,000 priest” (Wormer). In Paul Cultura’s case the priest was able to neutralize his wrong doing and continue working in the Catholic church until his

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