
Hancock's Bravery, Resilience And Success At The Battle Of Gettysburg

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Hancocks’s Bravery, Resilience and Success at the Battle of Gettysburg Winfield Scott Hancock, a talented and prosperous military commander was sent in to command union troops after the death of General John Reynolds who was eliminated on day one. Hancock served as the commander of New Corps Gettysburg, having command of the army’s left wing for a short time (Historynet 1). Of course, he did far more than that, Hancock being filled with bravery and the will to continue to fight no matter what, a “man carried away by passion” (Civil War Trust 1). He was a dedicated soldier and commander, not backing down from the front lines of fire and charging headstrong into fights he very well could have lost. His impact on the Civil War was great,

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