
Hamrick Unkindness

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The social atmosphere surrounding the idea of work and the lack of leisure time is attributing a large unkindness to the society in which holds the values. That society is the American Society. Hamrick would explain that Americans have psychologically been trained to accept a growing need to be busy, and where once the word stress was foreign, now it is a part of every American’s vocabulary.
It is unfortunate that stress has become the normal because it is self-induced. Hamrick states that the American society uses shopping as its time killer. This is a travesty according to Hamrick. As he eloquently states,

“If shopping is what most Americans do with most of their scant leisure time, then they are trapped in the vicious circle that Marx outlined. Such widespread cultural values are deeply unkind in that they …show more content…

Within Nature, Hamrick would argue that humans have a sliding scale when it comes to harm to other non-human or sentient life. Depending on the person’s moral background, their conscious guides them to protect or harm and some are more socially acceptable than others. One can kill a mosquito yet feel very strongly against cruelty to cats or dogs. However, this example is a voluntary action of unkindness that humans portray, but there are also involuntary acts of unkindness, as being viewed through a naïve gaze given to a populous. An example, Hamrick uses is that the same society and possibly people who would be against animal cruelty might unconsciously support the inhumane ways their meat gets delivered to their grocery store, the puppy mills they see at the pet store, or the idea that the cosmetics industry uses animals to test its new chemical formulas on. All these products produced by these various industries might be shown support by their willingness to purchase these

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