
Hamlet's 'Candide': A Short Story

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Below the yellowed circular orb amongst the stars, the only source of light that night, stood two peculiar looking men. One going by the name of Candide and the other by Hamlet. The two men looked upon one another with the same face of bewilderment. Ten minutes passed with the two men staring at one another both with dumbfounded expressions fixed upon their faces. It wasn’t until the metal between the bell tower met the bell forcing a harsh “clang” signifying that it was now midnight. The two jumped out of their hypnotic trance, with a light scream almost exiting the mouth of Candide. Hamlet was the first to break the silence, “Well obviously you must be the one to perform this task”, he said with a sly look fixed upon his face, “You are far greater than I, for you have only merely fainted …show more content…

They noticed the mildew stench that currested the blood stained bricks, or was it the stench of what was to come. Hamlet was analyzing the situation either to escape or face the the choice they were forced to make. Candide was also searching for answers from Hamlet, from the orb, from the pounding in his heart. Candide began to sway, light headedly he stuttered, “ I would… I would..” the pressure began to build in his head; Candide fainted to avert himself from the all too stressful request of the infamous tasks.
Hamlet looked upon the frail boyish body of Candide and tried to force a laugh, but couldn’t, the decision started to weigh upon his shoulders and slowly then all at once Hamlet began to feel as though he could not handle this task at hand. “I must do this”, Hamlet thought to himself, “it's the only, it's the only way”, the world began to turn sideways in the eyes of Hamlet, or was it that Hamlet was sideways himself. “I shall not let some fool like this Candide be accepted rather than I…. i must do this”, Hamlet finished this last sentence right before falling alongside Candide in the jagged

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