
Hamlet Tragic Hero Research Paper

Decent Essays

Tragic Heroes
The plays Hamlet and Macbeth by William Shakespeare have many comparisons. One such comparison is that the main characters in both plays are tragic heroes. A tragic hero is a character that has a tragic flaw that leads to their demise. Hamlet’s tragic flaw is his indecisiveness which leads him questioning himself while Macbeth’s tragic flaw is his ambition which leads to his guilt. In the play Hamlet, Hamlet’s father is dead. One night soldiers see the ghost of King Hamlet and tell young Hamlet. The ghost of King Hamlet tells Hamlet that Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius, murdered him. Hamlet vows, “…with wings as swift/As meditation or the thoughts of love/May sweep to my revenge”(Hamlet. 1.5.35-7). Hamlet claims that he will be quick to avenge his father’s death. As the ghost of King Hamlet vanishes, Hamlet walks back and tells his friends to swear by oath that they will not speak about this occurrence to anyone. Hamlet, along with his friends, question the ghost of King Hamlet. Hamlet is unsure if the ghost is the devil or not. He says, “The spirit that I have seen/May be a …show more content…

The three witches chant, “All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!/All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter!”(Macbeth. 1.3.48-50). Macbeth is told that he will become the Thane of Cawdor and eventually the king. Macbeth at first decides to let fate decide what will happen, but throughout the play Macbeth becomes ambitious and wants to become king as soon as possible. In order for Macbeth to become king, Macbeth has to kill his king, King Duncan, and Duncan’s two sons. Macbeth struggles with the idea of killing Duncan because Duncan has never wronged Macbeth before. Macbeth’s ambition overrules his thoughts and Macbeth murders King Duncan. When asked who killed Duncan, Macbeth covers up by saying that he saw two guards kill Duncan and, therefore; killed the

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