
Hamlet Film Analysis

Decent Essays

Over the course of the past fifty years there have been many cinematic productions of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, some of which remain true to the text while others take greater liberties from the original format. Director Kenneth Branagh’s 1996 production of Hamlet was true to Shakespeare’s work in that the films dialogue was delivered word or word as it is presented in the text. In contrast, Franco Zeffirelli conducted his 1990 production of Hamlet in a much more liberal direction in which lines, scenes and characters were omitted from film. I argue that from the perspective of an individual with moderate knowledge in Shakespearian literature, that the best film versions of Hamlet are those that take the most liberties from the text. I concur that the following elements reflect the level of liberty taken in regards to the text and that these elements determine which film is the best; changes to dialogue, changes to plot, presence of theme portrayal of emotions and the setting.
In 1996 Kenneth Branagh starred as Hamlet in his self-directed version of the play. Branagh’s script for the film was fiercely loyal to Shakespeare’s original words which resulted in a four hour cinematic experience. The immense amount of dialogue was delivered rapidly and added a layer of complexity which effected the audience’s ability to analyze and comprehend the story line. A lack of understanding is problematic as it contributes to a loss of character development as well as confusion within the

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