
Hamlet Argument: When One Faces Tribulations Or Hardships In Life

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Hamlet Argument
When one faces tribulations or hardships in life, would it be better for them better to suffer with what they know or to fight against the hardships that lay ahead? The story of Hamlet follows a young prince, during the time of his father’s death. He feels broken, hurt and betrayed by his mother who married his uncle only a month after his father’s death. Hamlet’s friend, Horatio, tells him that the guards had seen a ghost, an apparition, on the top of the castle. Horatio and Hamlet ascended the castle one night to visit with the ghost, and when they reached the top, the ghost told Hamlet that he was murdered by the new king, Hamlet’s uncle, and explains to him that he should kill his uncle, but without bringing …show more content…

We can see an example of this in the play when Polonius and Claudius accuse Hamlet of going insane after the death of his father. They claim that he only wrote his love letter to Ophelia because he was angry and not actually in love with her. Hamlet overhears their conversation and their plan to use Ophelia, Polonius’s daughter and the woman he loves, to spy on him. The next time that Ophelia approaches Hamlet, he lashes out and tells her that she is “of ladies most deject and wretched.” He tells her this even though he is in love with her because he knows that she always does what her father tells her to do, which in this instance, is to spy on him. This insult leaves Ophelia hurt and heartbroken because she believed that Hamlet was the love of her life and couldn’t believe that he would accuse her of being so awful. Despite how much he loved her, Hamlet knew that he had to force her to go away in order to save himself from being spied on and eventually betrayed. After Ophelia is shoved away by Hamlet, she goes mad and comes to the conclusion that she no longer has anything to live for and subsequently, flings herself off of the castle walls into a pond where she ultimately drowns and meets her death way before she should

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