
Hamlet Analysis : Hamlet

Decent Essays

Analysis Paper Two: Hamlet
A. Polonius wants to know the reason behind Hamlets behavior.
B. Polonius tells the queen to meet with Hamlet and confront him about his behavior.
A. Polonius tells the queen to meet with Hamlet and confront him about his behavior
B. Polonius hides behind the arras as the queen meets with Hamlet
A. Polonius hides behind the arras as the queen meets with Hamlet
B. Gertrude says that Hamlet has offended the king. (Claudius)
A. Gertrude says that Hamlet has offended the king. (Claudius)
B. Hamlet says that she has offended his father (the dead King)
A. Hamlet says that she has offended his father (the dead King)
B. Gertrude fearing for her life cries for help
A. Gertrude fearing for her life cries for help
B. Polonius cries for help from behind the arras
A. Polonius cries for help from behind the arras
B. Hamlet realizes someone’s behind the curtain and stabs his sword at the arras thinking it was the King
A. Hamlet realizes someone’s behind the arras and stabs his sword at the arras thinking that it was the King
B. Hamlet kills Polonius
A. Hamlet killed Polonius
B. The queen asks what has he done
A. The queen asks what has he done
B. Hamlet pulls back the arras and realizes that it was Polonius instead
A. Hamlet pulls back the arras and realizes that it was Polonius instead
B. In Act I the ghost said not to act against his mother
A. Hamlet acts against his mother
B. The Ghost appears
A. The ghost appears
B. The ghost reminds Hamlet

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