The plantaris is so small some people usually confuses it as a nerve. Many people do not have this muscle. The plantaris descends medially, condensing into a tendon that runs down the leg, between the gastrocnemius and soleus. Because it crosses at the knee it goes all the way to the ankle it allows one to point their toes downward. There are four muscles in the deep part of the posterior leg. One muscle, the popliteus, deal with the knee joint. The remaining three muscles (tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus) deals with the ankle and foot.
of your leg…. though your calves…. and through the muscles of the feet and ankles and out of your
vastus medialis. Collectively the quadriceps muscle is the biggest in the human body and its purpose is to expand the knee. The specific task of the vastus lateralis muscle is to extend the lower leg and allow the body to rise up from a squatting position.(Hannan et al, 2000).
There are a few intrinsic muscles that lie in the plantar region of the foot. The plantar region is divided into four layers. In the first plantar layer contains the abductor digiti minimi muscle, abductor hallucis muscle, and the flexor digitorum brevis muscle. The second plantar layer consists of the four lumbrical muscles, and the quadratus plantae muscle. The adductor hallucis muscle, flexor hallucis brevis muscle, and flexor digiti minimi muscle all lay in the third plantar layer. The fourth, and final, plantar layer consists of the seven interosseous
These muscles begin at the ischial tuberosity, which is at the bottom of the pelvis. The muscles meet at the knee joint and end at the lower leg, where they are joined together through connective tissue that attach the tendons to the bones like double-sided tape. The hamstring muscle groups work to help extend the leg back and provide motion at the knee. Due to the crossing
The quads include the rectus femoris, and the vastus lateralis, intermedius, and medialis. This muscle group shares a common tendon at insertion. The patellar tendon inserts at the tibial tuberosity, and within this tendon lies the patella. The patella is anterior to the femur-tibia articulation, and this sesmoid bone increases the leverage of the quads by acting as a pulley. The major contributor to the stability of the knee joint is the strength of the quads. The only muscle that assists in extension is the tensor fascia lata.
The key muscles that contract when executing an inversion are the tibialis posterior and tibialis anterior. The muscles that are required to perform a successful eversion are the fibularis brevis and fibularis longus. The next movement is dorsiflextion, which requires the flexion of tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, and extensor digitorum longus muscles. Lastly, the motion of plantar flexion demands the contraction of the gastrocnemius, plantaris soleus, and the fibularis longus. Since the ligaments are weak, the surrounding muscles must be stronger in order to stabilize those ligaments or those ligaments might become very fragile and
The biceps femoris is one of the three muscles including the semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus, that make up the group of muscles called the hamstrings. The hamstrings are located on the posterior side of the leg. The biceps femoris originates on the ischial tuberosity and inserts on the head of the fibula. The movement of the biceps femoris is responsible for the flexion of the knee and the external rotation of the lower leg. Flexion of the knee happens when the back of the foot is raised toward the back of the leg.
The vastus lateralis muscle forms part of the quadriceps muscle group of the upper leg and can be found on the anteriolateral aspect of the thigh. This muscle is more commonly used as the site for IM injections as it is generally thick and well formed in individuals of all ages and is not located close to any major arteries or nerves. It is also readily accessed. The middle third of the muscle is used to define the injection site. This third can be determined by visually dividing the length of the muscle that originates on the greater trochanter of the femur and inserts on the upper border of the patella and tibial tuberosity through the patella ligament into thirds. Palpation of the muscle is required to determine if sufficient body and mass is present to undertake the procedure.
In the pedal there are some smaller tendons that are solely located in the pedal, but they are not as important as the ones that start in the leg. The leg is what moves the pedal forward, and since the tendons connect the muscles of the legs to the bones of the pedal, they also tend to help the pedal move in certain ways. The Achilles' tendon, for example, connects the calf to the calcaneus bone. This connection is what allows us to go on our tippy toes otherwise known as plantar flexion. The tibial tendons which connect to the underside of the pedal, allow us to turn our feet medially and
Towson University should make an effort to reduce theft in regards to food services. Food services loses about 40-50 Chic-fil-A sandwiches per day due to theft (Cubbler, R. 2011). Other stolen items are typically sushi, chicken nuggets, and bottled beverages (Cubbler, R. 2011). Towson University should provide a TU police officer during peak theft times, set up a visible working or dummy security camera in the dining facility, or place a set of lockers outside of the dining facility similar to the ones outside of the Bookstore. Money saved from reducing theft could be used for funding sustainable practices that are sometimes more expensive.
The calf muscle is a vital part of human anatomy. This muscle is actually made up of two muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The gastrocnemius is the biggest part, and forms the bulge that is visible on the leg. The soleus is located underneath the gastrocnemius and is small and flat. Both of these muscles connect with the achilles tendon through tough tissues. From there, the achilles tendon inserts into the heel. During movement such as walking, running, and jumping, the calf muscle pulls up on the heel to allow for movement. A very common condition of the calf muscle is straining/pulling it. The muscle is stretched further than its normal length, and is partially or fully torn. Most calf muscle pulls can heal themselves, but a full tear requires surgery. There are many common, easy exercises to strengthen the calf muscles.
The knee is a hinge joint which gives the legs mobility. The muscles and ligaments of this joint allows flexion and extension of the leg. “Because the knee supports the majority of the body weight, it is at risk of overuse and traumatic injuries” (France). The knee is composed of 3 major bones; the femur, tibia, and the fibula. The femur is the biggest bone in the human body, the inferior end flares out into two rounded landmarks called femoral condyles. Their name comes from the side of the body they are on, which is where we get Lateral Femoral Condyle and Media Femoral Condyle. Superiorly to these condlyes are the medial and lateral femoral epicondyles. The bones inferior to the femur are the Tibia and Fibula. The superior end of the Tibia flares out into slightly concave structures called the Tibial Plateaus. A crescent wedge shape of cartilage sits in each plateau. These are the Medial Meniscus and the Lateral Meniscus. This cartilage acts as a shock absorber and distributes forces. “The menisci are bathed by the synovial fluid of the knee” (France). The meniscus is what separates the each side of the Tibia and Femur and the transverse ligament connects each menisci. There is a circular bone on the
h the muscles of the foot. This also serves as a mitigation measure for training.
As humans, we have the ability to adapt to our environment and surroundings. We have all tried to hide our true personality in order to be accepted, and have imitated other people. A person’s personality changes as they are exposed to different situations. Since the person changed, one will find a new way to deal with different situations. After, they might influence their friends to change as well. However, the changes could be on the good side or the bad side. This is how nurture changes us over time. Nurture is the environment that we live in and is the dominant factor of one’s personality. Through the changes from nurture, we change our views on different situations and behaviours from family influence, peer pressure, and culture.
There are two possible conceptions of legal official in Fuller’s account: the broad and the narrow conceptions. Both conceptions of legal official share the view that the legal officials should: (i) see themselves as the legal members within the legal system (ii) contribute in creating and in administrating the system of general rules (iii) constraint their law-jobs under the idea of ‘role morality’ to keep the law’s integrity in virtue of the maintain of human interactions, the general rules, the rule of law, and the fidelity of law. Both conceptions of legal official, however, differ in the scope of membership and the degree of morality performance. On the on hand, the broad conception of legal official