
Halloween Costumes: Why Do We Dress Up For Halloween?

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The Evolution of Halloween Costumes

Halloween is assumed to have been around in some form for the last 2,000 years. During this time costumes have been one of the main highlights for the festivities. However, the costumes that we have today are vastly different from the costumes that the Celts had 2,000 years ago when they established the ancient origins of this holiday.

Why Do We Dress Up for Halloween?
The tradition of dressing up for Halloween comes from a tradition that the Celt’s had with Samhain. Samhain was considered the time where the veil between the living and the dead was at its thinnest. Many Celts believed that during this night, ghosts could pass through the veil into our world and cause mischief, or attack people that they felt wronged them. In addition to ghosts, demons, witches, and the fae could traverse into our world. The Celts would leave food and drink outside to appease the spirits. The Celts would then dress up like the fae, ghosts, demons, and witches to hide from the evil entities. …show more content…

The Victorians lived in a highly scientific time with the Industrial Revolution taking place, and great scientists like Charles Darwin coming up with the Theory of Natural Selection. The Victorians often sought out solace in simpler things such as folklore and wanted to feel more connected to nature. Instead of worrying about scientific innovations, the Victorians chose to lose themselves in masquerades. Masquerades are elaborate parties where all in attendance where masks and costumes to conceal their identities. Halloween was the night that most masquerades were hosted because it was the first official holiday that fell after individuals returned from their summer homes. Costumes during this time were inspired by different and exotic cultures. Many costumes were homemade while some of the more wealthy society would hire tailors and seamstresses to take care of their costume

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