
Halloween Costumes And The Specter Of Cultural Appropriation

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Halloween Costumes and the specter of Cultural Appropriation Opening 1: Halloween was an ancient cultural festival taken by people who thought it was interesting. With the holiday's history steeped in cultural borrowing it’s a shame that many Halloween costumes suffer from cultural theft.
Opening 2:
Halloween costumes are an oddity among other celebratory activities. Most holidays are steeped in safe tradition. However, in stark contrast Halloween costumes are an individual choice that often is intentionally outlandish. While theses costumes have always pushed what is acceptable and challenged human creativity, people now have a greater access and understanding of culture than ever before. The use of culture is a heavily contested topic. What belongs to who and who can use what has always been a difficult line to draw. The most recent trapping of misused culture is in Halloween costumes. In particular Halloween costumes suffers from the mistake of cultural appropriation due to the often-innocent borrowing of culture. Most people are unconcerned with cultural appropriation and thus do no worry about the source of their costume. This causes appropriation because lack of research and understanding leads to most costumes ignoring the context of the culture they are borrowing from. When people ignore the culture, they ignore the very real source, which they might be hurting. Without research people making costume do not understand the importance of a piece of culture

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