
Hal And Me By Nicholas Carr

Decent Essays

In the essay “Hal and Me” written by Nicholas Carr, he describes two very different kind of minds. The first being the linear mind which he says is described as calm, focused, and undistracted. He states the linear mind is a product of the printing press which made book reading a popular pursuit. The new mind he describes is a product of the internet. It is described as one that skips around, gains info quickly, has a short attention span, and enjoys a lot of graphics. I believe that over the course of time I have acquired both of these types of minds.

I was born in a time where the internet was fairly new and hadn’t reached into the homes of most American’s. I believe at this time and years prior, people were all born with the linear mind. I remember being able to concentrate on assignments rather well. I also enjoyed reading books while I was younger. Information wasn’t as accessible as it is today, so our imaginations were free to wonder. …show more content…

Over time it feels like I don’t have to think as much as I used too. If I had a question before I would have to research the answer or ask someone that knew the answer. Today all the answers are at my fingertips. I feel as if my linear mind has transformed over time to the new kind of mind. I feel as if the linear mind is still there, but lays somewhat dormant and is much harder to engage at

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