
Haemoglobin Concentration For The Patient And A Healthy Control

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Materials/Methods and Results-Haematology Practical
Haemoglobin Estimation: To determine the amount of haemoglobin concentration in the patient’s blood, an anticoagulated blood sample from the patient and a healthy control, were lysed by converting haemoglobin into cyanmethaemoglobin. Potassium ferricyanide and potassium cyanide are used for this conversion to occur, and the absorbance of this colouring was measured at 540nm using a spectrophotometer. The results were recorded for the patient and the control, with the haemoglobin concentration seen below.
Results for the patient and control samples
Sample Absorbance Readings 1 2 3 Mean
Reference preparation 0.378
Patient Sample 0.546 0.552 0.618 0.572
Control Sample 0.622 0.617 0.638 0.626
Figure 10
Results showing the haemoglobin concentration for the patient and the control Haemoglobin Concentration (g.L-1)
Patient Sample 174
Control Sample 190
Figure 11
Red Blood Cell Count:
Control Results for the number of red blood cells
Chamber Number of cells counted
1 72
2 116
3 86
4 99
5 81
Total number of cells in central square: 2230
To determine if there was an increase or decrease in red blood cells in the patient’s blood, a counting chamber was filled with a whole blood sample from the patient, which was diluted with an isotonic diluent. Using the 4mm objective lens, the central 1mm2 area of the grid was found, and in this grid, only the four small corner squares and the central square were counted for red blood cells. The

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