
HLTEN513B Student Assessment Case Studies Essay

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Student Name: Student ID: Group: Date: Assessment Coding Assessment for this unit of competency is based on competency based grading. Assessments are weighted and your assessment will be marked with a percentage and grade. Grades applied to assessment in this unit of competency are: Competency Not Achieved (CNA) 0-49% Competency achieved – graded (CAG) 50-59% Competent with Credit (CC) 60-69% Competent with Distinction (CDI) 70-79% Competent with High Distinction (CHD) 80-100% Re-assessment Any re-assessment is conducted as soon as practicable after you have been informed of the requirement to be re-assessed and have been given the opportunity to be re-trained and assimilate the training. You are re-assessed …show more content…

The Resident Medical Officer (RMO) has informed Linda of her diagnosis. Linda has stated, “I cannot believe this is happening to me”. The Nurse has returned to perform regular observations on Linda, and has noticed that she is bent over the bedside table, is very sluggish and looks like she has an increased respiratory rate. 1. Discuss the pathophysiology of each condition in Linda’s past medical history (2 marks each, 8 marks/250 words) 2. What are the clinical manifestations of chronic heart failure which are evident with Linda’s case? (1 marks each, 6 marks total/ 175 words) 3. Outline the nursing interventions that should be performed when Linda is found bending over the bedside table and provide appropriate rationales. Note any potential risks or complications related to these interventions if applicable. (1 mark each, 10 marks total/ 300 words) 4. Provide three (3) nursing diagnoses (and a rationale for each) that can be made in relation to Linda’s physiological and psychosocial health problems. (2 mark each, total 6 marks/ 175 words) 5. Outline the nursing interventions that should be implemented following the diagnoses made in Question 4. (1 mark each, total 3 marks/150 words) 6. Identity two (2) health support services that Linda may require on admission to the ward and briefly discuss

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