Just like other things in life gymnastics takes dedication, perseverance, courage, and challenging work to succeed. I started training at the early age of seven years old at a local gym near my house. Before I was able to blink, gymnastics became a very important part of my life. However, since gymnastics is such a rigorous sport and it demands a lot of time and dedication, in numerous occasions it interfered with school activities. Between the long training hours and the multiple international competitions which required undivided attention, soon gymnastics put a toll on my academics. Therefore, with the help and support of my coach and my parents, I became homeschooled at the age nine years old. Being homeschooled allowed me to fulfill
My freshman year of high school I went out on a limb decided to take a physical education class called "Advanced P.E." This may not seem too crazy, but the class was taught by our varsity football coach and only really taken by junior and senior football players. The teacher even admitted he used the class specifically to bulk up his team. I had never lifted a weight a day in my life and I was more than frightened to even take a step inside the weight room.
I utilized gymnastics as my first form of escape and it pushed my geographic borders as far as it pushed my body. I explored the greater Midwest wedged in middle seat of my parents’ Buick Park Avenue. Competitive gymnastics offered me a yellow-brick road straight out of Indiana, and planted dreams of a national team spot or a college scholarship. By 16, my
This study deals with high school athletics and their long-term effect in the lives of those who participate; it also deals with the positive and negative aspects of athletics during high school, and the treatment of those who participate. This study was conducted with qualitative data obtained from five personal interviews with previous high school athletes. These five people come from a range of places, ages, and experience. Conclusions are that participation in high school athletics is a contributor to a better social life and experience during high school. Good friends and influences are obtained through the pursuit of high school athletics. The long-term effects
Before starting first grade and at the insistence of a close family friend, my mother finally decided to check out the gymnastics center in Roanoke, Virginia. Observing this sport was important to her and she actually had me tested for the beginners’ class. Climbing trees and hopping on our trampoline, as a little girl, made for the best days so it only seemed natural that I would fall in love with gymnastics. Beginning at the lowest level and over the subsequent eight years, I would become a competitive Level 8 gymnast. From the beginning, my mother recognized how much I would cherish it. Being part of a military family, on the other hand, required my family to move four times over those eight years and eventually ending up here,
My thirteen years of gymnastics has shaped me into the person I am today. Gymnastics teaches you to conquer your fears, persevere, and
First, gymnastics teaches time management. For instance, gymnasts have long practice hours. According to Gymnasticscoaching.com and research surveys, these are the average practice times per level: “Level 4 – 6 hours a week = 3 days x 2 hours; Level 5 – 8.75 hrs a week; Level 6 – 11 hours
Many people can’t afford gymnastics classes because it's a great deal of money per year. Some people don't have a lot of money and can succeed with gymnastics.Gymnastics is so expensive people can't afford it, even though they may have talent. Many people experience better health and it makes you feel
In all honesty, I used to wish that I could find a way to quit gymnastics. Yes, I absolutely loved the sport and camaraderie of my team and coaches, but after 10 years it simply became too stressful on my body physically and mentally. August 23, 2013 was a pivotal moment in my gymnastics career; I had my first major injury that required me to be rushed to a local hospital immediately. From that day on, I no longer spent hours a week in the gym training, but hours in waiting rooms, doctors offices and physical therapy. In some ways this was rough for me as I wasn’t used to living such a sedentary lifestyle. For as long as I could remember I trained 15 hours a week or more and going from that to nothing practically overnight made my body confused
When I was about the age of seven until the age of eleven I attended random gymnastics classes and open gyms every weekend. By the time I was eight or nine I had fully fallen in love with the sport and knew that it was going to be a big part of my life for
Gymnastics has always been something that I have been passionate about. It is a way for me to be with my friends, but also get exercise. Balancing school with practice can be a little stressful, but is worth it. Gymnastics had allowed be a leader, have close relationships with my friends, and stay active.
I am not a very talented person, but I always try my hardest in everything that I do. Ever since the day that I was 10 I have loved being involved in the sport of Gymnastics. I don't know what I would do or who I would be if this sport would have never come into my life. This sport has taught me so many life lessons that have made me a better person. One of the things it has taught me is always trying my best, I have never been one to learn something quickly and be perfect at it but I will always try. Another thing that it has taught me is to never give up, when doing gymnastics you always have times where you just want to quit because you can't do something but in the end all you have to do is trust in God and never give up. In the last
Gymnastics is the world’s hardest sport. As a child, I was naturally drawn to it. My mother noticed that I would jump and climb all over the place. She enrolled me in toddler classes at 18 months, which ended when I was three years old. At the age of five, after begging my mother, I returned to gymnastics. I still love participating in the sport as a high school senior.
No longer am I the girl in school who accepts everything that given to her, who sits quietly in the back of the class, who plays it safe and does not take chances. I am the girl who challenges new ideas, whose hand waves in the air waiting for the teacher’s acknowledgment, who is not afraid to fall down because I will always get right back up again. I am truly thankful that I took the leap to join the gymnastics team that I hold dear to my heart. As a result, I strive to exert benevolence and acceptance at every opportunity, as gymnastics has taught me to respect and value others because everyone deserves someone who they can call their
Gymnastics is unequivocally one of the primary facets of my life, and consequently, becomes the preeminent vehicle for many of the successes and challenges in my life.
Power of The Mind Success was the only thing on my mind at the time, I didn’t want to achieve anything else, it was either going to the Olympics or nothing. I knew I had to challenge myself stay focused, have a perfect sleeping schedule, and most important, eat well. Being a gymnast from the age of four can surprise most individuals but for me it was all I knew, gymnastics was my life; of course, I never had a true normal life but I was fine with it because I loved the feeling of saturating my palms with chalk and performing on the bars. However, the balance beam was my favorite, my “strong suit” as my coach called it, the feeling of completing a perfect routine gave me a rush; my entire body would vibrate with intense joy. This is was passion