
Gustave De Molinari

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Gustave De Molinari, was a classical liberal, who lived from the nineteenth into the early twentieth century. Molinari based his theories around the idea that society follows immutable rules. In his great work, The Production of Security, the rule he explains is one regarding monopoly. Whenever a government grants a monopoly, he explains, the price of the service or product will always rise, and the quality will fall. Why would this be any different for protection? Molinari asks. Wouldn't government monopoly on security produce the same result? Molinari argued that it would.

What was the basic message of the utopian socialists? “Utopian socialists” is a term initially used by Karl Marx, to define early socialist thinkers like Babeuf, Henry Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, Robert Owen, etc. He characterized them as utopian, because of their desire to remake society based on a blueprint; Marx believed it was impossible to know the affects of socialism until it was instituted in a society. This blueprint idea is very sympathetic to the French Revolution, where we see revolutionaries looking to remake society on reason alone. In the works of all these utopian socialists, we can see the distrust of the free market. They argued in favor of a completely planned economy, where the government decides when and where work is needed. Society needs to be planned, they would argue, …show more content…

Give one example of neoclassicism and show how it embodies at least one of these characteristics. Neoclassicism was an eighteenth century cultural movement that is showcased in music, painting, architecture, literature, etc. This movement is based on simplicity, order, a revival of cultural the achievements of Greece and Rome, and a conforming to the expectation of society. A great example of a neoclassic work would be Pope Clement the fourteenth's tomb; with its monochromatic color palette, serene figures, and overall

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