
Gun Violence On College Campuses Research Paper

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College Campuses: Are They Safe? Since the 1980s, a shift in thinking about college and university campuses has occurred in the United States. No longer is the “ivory tower” of academe perceived as a place of retreat for scholarly inquiry. Nor is college perceived as a time of growth where students “find themselves” and their place in the world. Rather, when talk turns to life on college campuses, that talk is often about crime, especially violence. (sloane) Most students are filled with excitement about their new lives on campus, but they don’t know the dark horrors and dangers that could lay ahead of them. Many have wondered why have these disruptions happened now though, but they are just simply uninformed of college campus’ dark past. Crime in college has always been here. One main place where violence flourishes is the Greek Societies. The first modern fraternity began in 1825, but the violence didn’t begin until the 1990’s. This was the same time when concerns of binge drinking and hazing began (Mantel). What crime are campuses facing exactly? Some problems include: rape, hazing, corruption in the Greek Societies, and gun violence. What is causing these crimes? “As …show more content…

These substances change how people act and think. One day someone may be the nicest person anyone could meet, and a few days later while under the control of unhealthy substances they become much darker and more dangerous. Students put themselves and others at risk when they decide to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol. “Students who misuse drugs face higher risks of physical and sexual violence, physical problems, and psychological issues”(opposing). It is obvious to see that there is not one, but many connected problems afflicting college campuses. Many Greek Societies lead students to “experiment” with Alcohol or other drugs. This “experimenting” then could very likely lead to being violent or being a recipient of

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