
Gun Restrictions

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For many years, the government has been left undecided about the controversies of gun control with the lingering fact that tighter gun restrictions could threaten the rights of United States citizens. About 52% of Americans are against stricter gun laws since taking action will not help criminal record(Mendoza). Others choose to believe that guns are the reason for violence, meanwhile, abolishing rights will not positively influence this issue because of the Second Amendment and availability of guns. A majority of the attempts to restrict firearm use have been unsuccessful, such as the Brady Act and Federal Gun Control Act. The government has not realized that guns remain a right as a part of the Second Amendment and play an immense role in …show more content…

According to the text, Street Law, “Some groups look to the Second Amendment as protection against government attempts to ban or regulate firearms”(Arbetman 85). This amendment ensures that citizens are guaranteed their right to firearms and can use them despite the risk of violence. If the government were to apply harsher laws, citizen’s Second Amendment rights would immediately be exceeded. Evidently, by enforcing more laws, the government would only be contradicting their own amendments. The article, “Court Rules Against State Gun Limits”, depicts a clear picture that represents how gun restrictions already pressure the capability of owning a firearm. “The majority said the restrictions violate the 2nd Amendment guarantee of the right to bear arms because they deny law-abiding citizens to carry weapons in public unless they show they need specific reasons”(Dolan and Perry). A previously enforced law, the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968, imposes strict guidelines for gun buyers. This act prohibits distinct categories of people from buying and possessing firearms, which clearly is denying certain people their right to weaponry. By administering these laws, rights are being jeopardized, and slowly, citizens are losing their Second Amendment rights. Along with compromised rights, the use of guns by citizens is …show more content…

In the article, “Pro/Con: Gun Legislation”, the author claims, “These numbers, like staggering 30,00 men, women, and children are killed in gun-related deaths each year in the United States, are also clearly reflected by the studies results”(Bitto). That is to say, gun law supporters believe that many of the deaths that occur in the US only happen as a result of the ability to obtain a firearm. In fact, this is false since a massive amount of the petitions for gun-holding are denied each year. Gun control laws are already so restrictive that if they were to completely disable people from buying guns, there would be no self-protection. In Matt Doeden’s book, “Gun Control: Preventing Violence or Crushing Constitutional Rights?”, he writes, “Senator Rafus King of New York fell into the camp that supported gun control. In 1790 he argued before the U.S. Senate ‘that it was dangerous to put arms into the hands of the frontier people for their defense, lest they should use them against the United States”(Doeden 17). In other words, the senator of New York believes that giving people the opportunity to have a firearm will only lead them to use them against the government. In a realistic view, most people solely desire a firearm for recreational purposes or self-defense, not to revolt against this country. As mentioned, most criminals get their guns in

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