
Gun Free Zone Shootings

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Areas we enter are sources of Security Theater that is not address and that contributes to the increase of shootings: in specific I am referring to “Gun free zones.” Over 98% percent of mass shootings and gun violence occurs in areas where guns are restricted or completely banned (Crime Prevention Research, 2018). Out of a hundred fifty shootings only three would not occur in a “gun free zone.” Signs are often posted outside buildings, movie theaters, and parks to supposedly prevent those that may be carrying a gun, concealed or otherwise, from bringing it on to the premises. However, the only protection that a “gun free zones” provides is helping people feel that they are safe without doing anything to ensure their safety. Only law abiding citizens will follow the rules put into place to make an area a “gun free zone.” This causes a disarming of the people who could …show more content…

Despite the danger guns are in the hands of criminals, the safety they can provide is hard to measure, but diffidently there. Over nine-hundred eighty nine thousand incidences are reported every year where a firearm was used to prevent a crime, including robberies, rapes, and murders (Geneva, 2000). A study was also done on how likely a felon is to commit a crime with even the possibility that someone else might have a firearm. Around forty-percent of criminals admitted to not committing a crime because they believed that a potential victim might have a firearm. Thirty-four percent of criminals have been had an incident where they were shot at, scared off, wounded or even captured by a victim that was armed (Armed and Considered, 1994). These people were not protected by sign of encouragement or Security Theater. They were saved because they had the ability to protect themselves. There was no one else to protect them but they were allowed to be able to ensure their own

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