
Gum Disease Research Paper

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Is Gum Disease Associated with Any Other Diseases?

Yes, previously, it was believed that bacteria played a role in linking gum disease to other diseases; however, research indicates that inflammation may be the contributing factor. Consequently, addressing inflammation may accomplish much more than just helping with the management of gum disease, it may also assist with managing other chronic conditions that cause inflammation.

These conditions include:

Heart Disease – Scientists think that the swelling associated with gum disease may be the link between heart disease and periodontal disease. Furthermore, gum disease can negatively affect existing heart conditions. For this reason, individuals who are at an increased risk for infective endocarditis may need to receive antibiotics before dental procedures are performed. …show more content…

Bleeding gums – gums that bleed while flossing, brushing or at random.

4. Receding gums – gums have pulled away from the teeth (possibly exposing the roots of the affected teeth).
Three Kinds of Gum Disease in Children

1. Chronic Gingivitis – causes the gums to turn red, become inflamed and bleed easily. This is the most common type of gum disease that children develop; however, chronic gingivitis can be prevented by practicing good oral hygiene. If not addressed, chronic gingivitis may lead to more serious forms of gum disease.

2. Aggressive Periodontitis – mainly affects an individual’s incisors and first molars. This disease may develop in healthy teenagers and young adults. Aggressive Periodontitis is characterized by a severe loss of the bone responsible for holding the teeth (alveolar bone). Oddly enough, individuals with this form of gum disease rarely form dental plaque or tartar.

3. Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis – typically begins around puberty and affects the entire mouth. Symptoms include swelling of the gingiva and excessive accumulations of tartar and plaque. Left untreated, this disease can cause loosening of the

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