
Guitar In Milkman's Song Of Solomon

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By the end of he novel, it has become clear that Milkman's sole purpose was to acquire information of his grandparents. Maybe he actually wanted to find a reason for the way his father acts with him and his family. After finding out who his grandparents were, the title of the novel, Song of Solomon, relates to the song that was composed by the people to tell the story of Solomon and the children, including Jake, Milkman's grandfather. His journey can symbolize his journey in becoming a man and becoming mature. At the beginning of the novel, readers were left thinking that the sane person throughout the novel was Guitar. However, by the end of the novel, we question Guitar's sanity and believe that the only sane person is Milkman because Guitar is planning on killing Milkman, "'Why the message? Why'd you warn me with a message at the store?' 'You're my friend. It's the least I could do for a friend.' 'My man. I want to thank you.' 'You're welcome, baby'" (298). In this quote, Milkman thanks Guitar about giving him a warning before killing him. If Milkman was a friend, Guitar would not have the thoughts of killing him. Throughout the novel, Guitar constantly criticizes the white people and the way they can easily murder black people. Guitar does not realize that he is doing the same thing by joining the Seven Days, whose sole …show more content…

For example, the men who are a part of the Seven Days believe themselves to be superior to the whites, pride. Guitar has envied the wealth and power Milkman's family has. Macon Jr. wants more power and wealth than he even needs, gluttony. Milkman goes into a relationship with Hagar without realizing that he was just lusting after her. Many of the characters feel anger toward each other and some of the characters are not physically or spiritually active. Many of the characters committed some of the sins and Seven Days is also committing a sin by killing innocent

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