
Guilt In Macbeth

Decent Essays

After committing the unforgivable sin of murdering Duncan, Macbeth’s feelings are truly revealed to both himself and the audience. Macbeth’s trait of guilt is expressed when he asks “how is ’t with me, when every noise appals me?/ What hands are here? Ha! they pluck out mine eyes./ Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood/ Clean from my hand” (Shakespeare, 2.2. 60-61).The immensity of Macbeth's crime awakens him to a powerful sense of guilt. Although Macbeth cannot take back the decisions he makes, he does face the consequences of his actions through hallucinations and paranoia. Macbeth describing that all of Neptune’s sea could not wash away the blood on his hands demonstrates the overpowering emotion of guilt he feels after his crime. …show more content…

One of Macbeth’s most admirable traits is his continuous bravery described over the course of the play. After Macbeth learns that Macduff is not born of woman and Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane, he does not surrender. Instead, he asserts that he “will try the last. Before [his] body/ [he] throw [his] warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff” (Shakespeare, 5.8. 32-33). Rather Macbeth show fear and cowardliness, he expresses bravery and courageousness. Macbeth refuses to back down and continues to stand as King by not giving up and continuing to fight, even with the odds not in his favor. For such immense courage, Macbeth is given armor to symbolize this bravery he performs in battle and for his country, Scotland. On the other hand, Macbeth also possesses inferior traits. One of Macbeth’s worst qualities is his constant paranoia exposed after committing his first crime of murdering Duncan. Macbeth consistently worries his throne is in danger and someone is planning evil against him. This element of paranoia essentially drives Macbeth to taking such severe actions that lead to his downfall. He worries Macduff is up to no good and decides to take the initiative of murdering Macduff’s family, which was not necessary. It is this type of behavior that result from his extreme

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