
Guided Principles: The Mission, The Men, And Me

Good Essays

Guided Principles: The Mission, The Men, and ME This will be the end to my third semester of ROTC and to my college career, it hasn’t been the easiest of walks, nor has it been the hardest. I have made a handful of close friends along the way and lost a few at the same time, but this is all part of the learning process. For myself it is hard to just pick three Guiding Principles that have been outlined from the book, The Mission, The Men, and Me. I believe I could talk all day about lessons learned. One of my favorite guided points from the book would have to be when Pete Blaber is jumping off the 100 hundred foot cliff, because in his mind he sees what is a “bear”, upon further reading we learn that it is not in fact a bear instead …show more content…

They are split into different teams and they have to navigate through the wilderness. Pete and his team after about nine hours find this ranger cabin and inside is an older lady, who is a ranger. After talking to this lady for a few hours Pete begins to realize that after every training they’ve went through and history they’ve studied that no training is greater than that then the “guys on the ground”. Or the locals, the people common to the area, or the old lady in the cabin. The lesson learned is that no matter how much knowledge you have or think you have of something there is always going to be someone else that can help you out and better prepare you for a …show more content…

By age 17 he had already lost four jobs, unsuccessful he found work in a retail business. At age 18 he got married to young beautiful wife. At 19 he had his first daughter. Then at age 25 his wife and daughter left him. At age 27 he lost his job in the retail store. After a year of searching he began to work odd and end jobs until retirement. At age 30 the man's wife and daughter came back to him after a failed marriage with another man. For the next 35 years he worked, and at age 65 he retired with $109. He went to a bridge where he was going to commit suicide and leave the world. Then a passerby stopped and had a short talk with the old man about never giving up and began to give inspiration to the older man. The day after the man went to the store where he bought $88 worth of supply to make fried chicken, and he did. After making the chicken, and other fixing he went door to door selling the chicken. That company today is a multi-million dollar industry, started by a 65 year old man. The company we know now as Kentucky Fried Chicken. Without a little imagination I don’t think it would be possible for Colonel Sanders to build a million dollar empire. A person who dropped out of high school and lost many jobs, lost his wife and daughter, to an excellent and outstanding company. “Imagining the unimaginable, humor your imagination”, without

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