
Guatemalan Pharmaceuticals

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In the case of the Public Health Service (PHS) experimenting on inmates at the Terre Haute Federal Penitentiary for prophylaxis in gonorrhea, the study was abandoned at a critical stage in its development where a line would have been crossed, exposing moral and ethical boundaries set about in countries such as the U.S. as far as research on human subjects is concerned. The study was undergone with less regulation as a result of the decision to extend the research beyond borders to study syphilis, use subjects from a Guatemalan National Penitentiary with the mere consent of their supervisors (not from the subjects themselves), along with the differences in human rights policy in this nation, whereby human rights to justice and moral obligation issues were jeopardized. The questions would therefore be: can it be well argued that the actions of the PHS and the OverNow study were morally justifiable under the given circumstances while conducting their research abroad? …show more content…

All actions taken by the researchers and their constituents (the pharmaceutical co-sponsoring the study, Healthy People Pharmaceutical) should evaluated according to the principles set about by Rawlsian justice and from a deontological perspective that is concerned with the moral obligations one has to the betterment of society as a whole and the morality of individual action. Through this essay, I seek to prove that the conducted research was unethical and a clear violation of human rights. Thus, further examination has revealed clear violations of the principles of Rawlsian Justice from a deontological perspective, and a multitude of internationally recognized legal principles that directly address cases of human research subject injustice that were observed in the past were also

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