
Growing Up In Plato's Republic

Decent Essays

The first word of Plato’s Republic is “Κατέβην” which translates to “go or come down.”The Republic begins with Socrates, who says “I went down (κατέβην) yesterday to the Peiraeus with Glaucon…” Although κατέβην might not have any literal poetic implications, I think it worthwhile to discuss the theme of decent and where else it shows up in the Republic. The most notable examples are the cave allegory, and the story or Er, who tells of what happens after death. In the case of the cave, the philosophers who have reached enlightenment must go back down to the cave to share what they’ve learned. In the story of Er, the souls that have reached purification descend from heaven to come back to earth. The theme of descent is the key part in both these stories, and shall be explored.
In book seven of the Republic, Socrates introduces Glaucon to the allegory …show more content…

They are in it from childhood with their legs and necks in bounds so that they are fixed, seeing only in front of them...Their light is from a fire burning far above and behind them. Between the fire and the prisoners there is a road above, along which see a wall...See along this wall human beings carrying all sorts of artifacts, which project above the wall.”
In this allegory, the men trapped in the cave can see only the projected shadows of the humans carrying artifacts, and not the artifacts themselves. Yet they still, as Socrates says, “hold that the truth is nothing other than the shadows of artificial things.” In this way, being down in the cave is the same as being unable to see the real truth to things, and being unable to reach enlightenment. The only enlightened ones are the ones who by some means can leave the cave and see things for what they are. Socrates calls them the

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