
Group Work Therapy ( Gwt ), Al Anon And Alcoholics Anonymous ( Aa )

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For this reflection, the chosen groups that were observed were Group Work Therapy (GWT), Al-Anon and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). GWT is a course that covers the basic fundamental of group practice and direction as well as procedure and systems regularly used to facilitate group therapy discussions. This is an online course that meet on a regular basis, there has been two scheduled live sessions, one on 9/6 and 10/18, that were observed for this reflection. There are 13 participates in the group, some of which did not participate in the live meeting on the 10/18th. AL-Anon is a group that was formed to help the families effected by alcoholism (Van Wormer, K. & Davis, D.R. 2013). In Ohio, there are groups that meet on a daily basis from 6am until midnight. You can find an Al-Anon meeting in many neighborhoods throughout Cincinnati. For the purpose of this reflection, the group was observed twice on a Monday night and a Wednesday night at the same location on October 3rd and October 5th. There were roughly 20-30 participants in the group on both nights and the facilitator was different each night observed. The theme of the meetings on those nights was covering steps 10 and 12 of the 12 step program. The group would break into small groups, so for the purpose of this reflection, the beginners group was observed. The facilitator stated that he was giving the guy that usually facilitate a break. So the assumption is, that there is a guy that usually conducts the meetings but

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