
Group Discussion Strengths And Weaknesses

Satisfactory Essays

What do you think the strengths and weaknesses of our class discussions have been to date?
Some strengths in our class discussions are that everyone keeps an open mind, even if they don’t agree with a classmate’s perspective, everyone is active participants in group activities, and classmates are respectful when listening to another classmate’s beliefs and opinions. Some weaknesses in our class discussions would be that not everyone contributes in class discussions and there are sometimes pauses in our discussions due to a lack of understanding of a particular question that came up in our discussion or a lack of understanding of the text.
What are a few collective goals that would benefit the class in terms of group discussion?
Some class goals for our class to improve upon in our class discussions are that everyone must contribute at least once each class period and that everyone in the class should come to class with one question they had about the read text to clear up any confusion they had so that our class discussion runs smoothly as well as everyone can have the opportunity to insert their ideas in our discussions. …show more content…

Based on the learning goals and participation description listed on the syllabus, my participation grade should be a B. I feel like I have been contributing more in the second half of the semester, at least once or twice every class period than when I first started CIE 200 in the beginning of the semester. I still feel that I can improve upon inserting myself more in class discussions, I read the texts but am not confident in sharing my ideas in large group

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