
Groom Observation Essay

Decent Essays

Sara is a 75 year old who was born in Waldo and currently lives in Skowhegan. She is a widow with no children and two cats. She lives in a one story apartment building, with four rooms. She also enjoys going to church and helping out at the end with refreshments. I observed her cooking chicken and vegetable soup. She used pre-chopped vegetables so it made the meal preparation easier, with less steps. If she hadn’t already had pre-chopped vegetables I may have suggested this as an adaptation to the activity. Due to her deficits in motor planning she had a hard time keeping up with the correct sequencing from the beginning to the end of the task/activity. Shortening the steps made cooking more efficient, allowing her to be successful in the activity. The activity takes about 30-40 minutes for her to complete without assistance. …show more content…

She didn’t have any difficulties with the vegetables but I would have like to have seen her cutting them herself so that I would be able to assess how her fine motor and visual acuity was functioning. I would have than adapted and graded the activity to fit her after the assessment if needed.
Sara does really well with endurance by pacing herself (energy conservation) throughout the activity. She stated that she does that because she had learned how her balance and walking become effected by rushing. This exhibits that a good amount of cognition is present throughout the activity, because she is able to recognize safety and her physical demands. However with what she stated to be a weakness I would recommend a chair or a place where she could rest if

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