
Grit In Life

Decent Essays

In life, people will experience stressors which will make life difficult, and in order to persevere, one must have grit. Grit is defined as the ability to persevere through a difficult or challenging situation. Throughout my life, there has been times where it feels like all of the walls are collapsing in at the same time. Most of my stress has been self inflicted through my schooling. My latest stressor was a few weeks ago when I was the stress studying for my Advanced Placement (AP) tests, but I am still here today. Through each experience I muster up enough grit to push through. By the next time new stress hits, it makes the the last experience seem not that bad, but that is when I learn to get grab some more grit and push through once more. …show more content…

This self inflicted stress is because I challenged myself by taking harder classes. I could have taken the easy way out by taking the basic classes, but then there would be no grit required, with minimal learning. My sophomore year I took to AP classes: one class was AP stat, and the other was AP Biology. Personally math comes easy for me, but AP Bio was a challenge. In the course book, it was highly suggested that the student takes chemistry before but wanting a challenge I was able to manage without it, learning as I went. This year, my junior year, I was able to take AP Calculus, Physics, and United States History. United States History is out of my comfort zone, but with nightly homework and lectures during the class, it managed to become my favorite class because of the amount of information I was able to gain. The grit that I gained this year has made me want to push myself even harder next year with 5 AP classes plus going to Augustana for a class. No matter what happens in the past it is possible to push forward with grit and then try even harder in the

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