
Grims: A Short Story

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Jerry has company, Gerard who has been around Jerry from elementary school days; they meet at the beginning of the third grade, from them knowing each other Chemistry works in them friendship they like to do the same things and sometimes they seem to think the same at same time, they never fight between them, Gerard likes to start the fire on Jerry and likes to hide when there is a troubled time, this night is with Jerry they both are on the way to see Gaear and Carl to hires both, to kidnap Jerry´s wife; Jerry and Gerard walk in, they have a seat at Carl´s table, and he is ready to preach about time meeting but, Gerard gave him a deep look and Carl just clears throat, and he asks “ did you bring the car? Gerard again look at him in the same way, and one more time Carl change his way, I mean if you were available, Jerry answer yes you bet a brand new Ciera. Carl said, Have a seat I am Carl Showalter and this is my associated Gaear Grimsrud. Jerry introduces Gerard “how are you doing” So, we all set on this thing? Why would not be? Carl responses, Gerard again send a look to Carl and tell “we will keep and on you guys”, Gerard just to stay clear, you have to kidnap Jerry´s wife, no questions ask, Carl it does not make any sense. Jerry tries to say something “It is not me pay….

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